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Unconditional Surrender

Unconditional SurrenderTreason everywhere. Our crackhead queen president is arming what we’ve been told for over a decade is the enemy in the war on terror, al-Qaeda, which means “the base.” That refers to the CIA’s computerized data base of mujahedeen fighters they put together in Afghanistan back in the ‘80s to fight the Soviet Army, which was finally defeated by surface-to-air Stinger missiles the CIA provided to al-Qaeda.

How al-Qaeda could ever be considered “the enemy” is a joke, since the CIA created the group, armed it, trained it and financed it with the help of Osama bin Laden, who was the CIA’s paymaster. Osama said in several interviews leading up to his death of Marfan Syndrome and kidney failure in late 2001 that he had nothing to do with 9/11. He said it was committed by the US government and Israel.

However, al-Qaeda is the boogyman in the Bush/Obama power grab they call the war on terror, except when we supply them with powerful ordnance including chemical weapons.

The crackhead’s popular support is in freefall and his parachute won’t open so he must go to Plan B. His cherished Tomahawk and B-1, B-2 and B-52 attack on Damascus (Plan A) has been delayed by John Kerry’s flip mention of a remotely possible way that Assad’s people could avoid kosher slaughter, which would be for Syria to surrender its chemical projectiles. Assad quickly agreed, with Russian help, to do exactly that, but now with certain conditions which will naturally be unacceptable to the US, which has always, since 1861, stood for Unconditional Surrender. So Plan A is still possible.

I’m pretty sure that Plan B is a declaration of martial law for whatever contrived but believable cause. Believable to the dwindling numbers of Obama lovers. And I suspect that Plan B was/is meant to coincide with Plan A, which would cause the national emergency that is required for a declaration of martial law. Plan A is designed to escalate into a world war with Russia and China, designed by Zbigniew Brzezinski, who by the sheerest of coincidence happens to be the same cat who dreamed up al-Qaeda in ‘79. Brzezinski is, in the words of James Bond, “quite mad, you know.”

With the impending collapse of the Federal Reserve System’s fake currency and bond market, a new currency based on total war may be coming. We might call it the War Buck. Unlike Germany’s debt-free Reichsmark, which was based on production, the War Buck will be based on destruction and reconstruction.

Destruction and Reconstruction, the broken window theory writ large. That has been the American method for profiteering and artificial prosperity for one hundred fifty-two years. The Rothschild syndicate lends fake credit to the military for destruction and more fake credit to industry for reconstruction of what the military destroyed. Most people don’t get ahead that way.

This is leaving out the human element, the totally innocent victims of Obama’s mercenaries in Syria. The grown-ups and children who are at this moment being videotaped as their heads are sawn off (chopped off, if they’re lucky) by Obama’s CIA-armed protégés. Assad’s generals are correct: These vicious lunatics should be gassed as quickly as possible.

Chris Stevens, our “ambassador” in Libya, was actually a CIA gunrunner who was supplying weapons to the Syrian monsters. As such, he deserved what he got in Benghazi, along with his CIA cohorts. The minimum penalty for such hideous treachery is death, whether in Benghazi or San Francisco. But it all originates in Manhattan, whence orders are passed to the DC cesspool, thence transmitted overseas. Orders for Plan A, total Jewish war against the world.

Now we must consider orders created in Manhattan for Plan B – also known as Operation Garden Plot, Rex-84 and just plain martial law. Sheriffs from around the country were summoned to a secret FEMA meeting in DC a couple of weeks ago. This is the signal we’ve been anticipating for the crackdown. Whether it’s based on a predicted natural disaster (real or man-made) or a false-flag terror event (same thing), it doesn’t matter. Martial law has to occur for whatever reason.

The only possible response from us is revolution. Revolution means the utter destruction of every person involved in designing, ordering, implementing, enforcing, participating in and profiting in any way from martial law.

Martial law means no law, the law of the gun. Keep in mind that we paid for all the guns that are going to be aimed and fired at us at roadblocks and home invasions.

The reader will recall Brandon Raub, if only because I won’t stop talking about him and his nightmare arrest without charge and disappearance to a mental ward for “brainwashing.” His crime was speculating on Facebook about the traitors running our government. Well, now we have a similar thing that happened a few days ago. Blaine Cooper in Humboldt, Arizona wondered on good old Facebook if America is becoming a police state? Within twenty-four hours he got a call from the local police department and was told to come down for an FBI interview.

He complied with the request for an interview, which lasted 45 minutes. He was released after apparently being determined not to be a threat.

“They had every Facebook post I had ever made in a huge file, along with all my wife’s information and parents’ information,” Cooper said.

Cooper also said that he was told that without “defusing the situation” by complying with the interview, his house might have been raided. “The FBI made mention they came to question me so they didn’t have to kick in my door,” Cooper told PoliceStateUSA.com.

Okay, I’m not a lawyer and don’t play one on TV. But I can give some free legal advice: no FBI interviews. Main reason: the FBI is a homicidal terrorist organization. Evidence: the interview in Orlando of Ibragim Todashev which resulted in seven gunshots into Todashev’s body including one in the top of his head. This is what an FBI interview can lead to.

More evidence: WTC ’93. Special Agents John Anticev, Nancy Floyd and their bomb-making informant, Emad Ali Salem. The bomb that blew up in the parking area of WTC Tower 2 and killed six people and injured a thousand and did a half-billion dollars in damage was an FBI bomb built with explosives supplied by the New York office of the FBI, the same Fire Bombing Imbeciles who fire bombed our neighbors’ house recently to scare them off from being friends with us.

So, what if you get the two options from the Imbeciles? Option A, the interview, opens you up to the threat of being charged with a federal felony of “lying to the FBI” and the other threat of being shot while under interrogation. Option B is saying “Call my lawyer – no interview due to unacceptable risk,” followed by a federal home invasion and grievous bodily harm and probable death by HRT, the Imbeciles’ SWAT team. We saw these sadistic assholes in action at Ruby Ridge and Waco.

There are other options. Option C is to set up an ambush either at home or better yet, before they can get to your home. This is a good job for Neighborhood Watch. We must all prepare and rehearse this option starting right now. Once an interview is demanded by the Imbeciles, the Option C drill begins. The ambush should be at a tight corner or chicane, at which the vehicles must slow down considerably to negotiate it. Heavy gunfire should be poured into the vehicles and no one left alive. Weapons should be retrieved and the vehicles set afire if the fires wouldn’t threaten the property of nearby residents – if any.

Option C requires that everyone in Neighborhood Watch has a pre-determined ambush spot for any terrorist threat to each member.

Then there is Option D. This is also a good option and it requires reconnoitering the headquarters of the enemy. This could be the regional fusion center or the federal building. The demand for a life-threatening interview – and even the possibility of being charged with a federal felony for “lying to the FBI” is certainly life-threatening – should under Option D set in motion an attack on the headquarters from which the order issued. This attack should commence as quickly as possible after the demand for an interview is made. Option D is for the hard-core element among us, obviously.

Captured weapons should be distributed to those among us who have lost everything to the feds, the legal system and to the deindustrialization of America. This writer was one of these millions of dispossessed Americans until he got his job back a couple of years ago. He can easily become one again, as can any of us. Eighty percent of us are reportedly in poverty or approaching poverty, thanks entirely to the Rothschild cartel and its Federal Reserve System which have destroyed the value of everything with the debt-based FRN. The Fed must be destroyed and all members executed by the Hungarian method.

This essay is an announcement that this writer is now fully committed to the resistance and to the total destruction by the resistance of the federal tyranny based in Washington, DC and controlled by the Rothschild cartel which creates federal policy including all wars at the Council on Foreign Relations in Manhattan, Chicago and Washington, DC. The CFR must be destroyed and all four thousand plus members executed, along with all CFR clone organizations, all of which are funded by the Rothschild cartel.

I would suggest that the resistance have a specialist action group known as DAJA (Defense Against Jewish Aggression). This group would be manned by Jew-wise Americans and would reduce to nothing all organizations that are based on Jewish exceptionalism and special powers for and treatment of Jews.

The California legislature in Sacramento has just passed a bill that outlaws most self-loading rifles and handguns. The homosexual tyrant governor will probably have signed the bill and made it law by the time this essay is read by many. This new law exceeds the “assault weapon” ban proposed by California’s talmudic senator, Dianne Feinstein, the bizarre Jewess who suggested that all veterans are mentally unfit to possess guns due to PTSD. She was not contradicted by any Jew in America, or Gentile, for that matter.

The revolution should therefore begin in California. Everyone in a position of power who participates in gun control is a traitor, since gun control is treason. This includes the ones who proposed the bill, the ones who voted for it, the ones who lobbied for it and the ones who would enforce it when the law goes into effect.

There is only one reason that traitors would disarm us and make us defenseless: they want the unopposed power to kill us.

I know what you’re thinking. The same thing I’m thinking: why do these hapless guys with their relatively innocuous postings on Facebook get busted by the feds while this writer is left alone? That’s not exactly true, considering the drone attack we experienced in August, ’12 that resulted in the grave and mysterious lung disease that my wife contracted directly following the drone’s visit outside our office window. But, there have been no demands for “interviews” or HRT assaults on our home.

(I finally talked with the neighbor who had seen a drone earlier in the day of our nighttime attack. He’s an ex-SEAL who really didn’t want to get involved. He described what he saw over his house heading toward our house as being about eight feet long with a four- or five-foot wingspan. But this was probably not the same UAV that was outside our office window for about a minute around ten PM, unless it had some sort of hovering capability.)

Two possible reasons for being left alone: a radical revolutionary such as this writer is needed to justify a martial law crackdown. This possibility will satisfy the cowards among us who want to say, “See? See what you’ve done to the rest of us?”

The second possibility is their perception that an attack wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world for this writer, who has been an anti-terrorist for a lot longer than they have been terrorists. I didn’t go half-way around the world for all that training and experience for three hundred a month for nothing.

The federal terrorists know that they will no doubt get the Waco response to a home invasion. Call it Waco Plus, considering that the first responders at Waco allowed their attackers a time-out to collect their dead and wounded. That won’t happen at my place.

On top of that, we’ve got Neighborhood Watch, which means a crossfire with them on the cross.

Once upon a time there was a great American named Gordon Kahl who lived in North Dakota. He drove into a roadblock put up by US marshals and local cops who were offended by some unpleasant things Gordon had been saying about Freemasonry. Despite being ordered by USM headquarters in DC to leave him alone, the terrorists knew better. Didn’t matter that Gordon was a gunfighter and knew how to handle his Mini-14. Long story short, Gordon killed or wounded and ran off every one of the killers who had planned on killing him after abusing him and his family with taunts and obscenities and then suddenly shooting his empty-handed son. They only had to shoot Yorie once to get his dad PO’d. But they really blasted him and he went face down in the mud. We can kind of understand the parental rage on seeing such a cruel and unprovoked thing.

This was what is considered a field expedient response to a hasty roadblock. I’ve made other recommendations for dealing with more formal roadblocks. Roadblockers always get the death penalty.

Our federal terrorists of today know they need to be careful what they wish for. When they’re up against someone who really knows what he’s doing, things can go sour.

Plan A, the mass murder of Syrians, has taken our minds off the revelations of Edward Snowden, who has recently told us that the NSA has been handing over all raw data to Israel. Couple this with the fact that the Mossad is allowed by “our Justice Department” to send its death squads (“kidons”) into the United States to assassinate anyone the Jews consider a threat to the Jew World Order. This writer himself was attacked by an Israeli death squad three times ten years ago with poison on his steering wheel which resulted in severe kidney damage and a mutilated ding-dong. Maybe I should thank the NSA for that.

The NSA is the deadly enemy of all people of the world, not just us. Its demented director, Keith Alexander, hired a Hollywood set designer to make his “war room” identical to the Starship Enterprise from the sci-fi fantasy, STAR TREK. Money was no object, of course. Think of the damage this insane asshole has done to us and virtually everyone in the connected world by not only spying on us but passing on everything to the even more insane Jews.

We here in Idaho learned last month that the NSA is now in the local law enforcement business, hard as that may be to believe. The Idaho Falls PD was beefed up in a car chase by a unit from the NSA. While that one may have been connected to the (federal) Idaho National Laboratory, we’re informed that NSA is doing this around the country, for some strange reason. NSA cops? Cops with alternate FEMA uniforms (federalized locals) were bad enough.

Our rotten, top-heavy government, visible and invisible, must be dismantled as quickly and ruthlessly as possible because the Jews have seized total control over it, as pointed out endlessly on this website and by expert researchers such as Brother Nathanael, who really delivers the goods, year after year. He is under attack by the ADL probably because he’s a better communicator with the public than this writer, who receives no Jewish or federal intimidation. Friends and family, yes, but not this writer himself. His advertised readiness to fight back has no doubt served him well. There must be truth in advertising.

There is no good reason now to delay starting the resistance. On a personal level it means organizing Neighborhood Watch to defend against federal and police attacks starting now. The resistance will show a determination, in some places more than others at first, to punish traitors for any and all acts of treason, uppermost being gun control. But aggressive war is also treason because it only benefits our Jewish enemy and gets normal people slaughtered. Privately owned, debt-based currency and government borrowing are also treason: they only benefit our Jewish enemy and rob us of our savings. Off-shoring of our industries was also treason; it robbed us of our livelihoods and made millions of us unable to take revenge on the filthy criminals responsible for their downfall. Those of us who are still working have the means to do this in our “spare time.” I guarantee that we’ve got nothing better to do.

This writer has never solicited support of any kind since starting on this political adventure in 1968. The militia was a personal defensive decision that didn’t require money but just the determination not to surrender one’s firearms. The resistance will be what the militia should have been, but never was. The militia was ahead of the power curve, forming during a period when the threat, even the possibility, of martial law was not so apparent.

The resistance will go on the offensive against the traitors in government and the traitors who give the government its orders.

Whether Americans support the resistance, either through participation or financially, remains to be seen. This writer has begun to solicit support from overseas, from governments that have been victimized by the US government with its ugly demands for Unconditional Surrender, and will continue to do so. It is in every country’s interest to support the American resistance movement because it will be the purpose of the resistance to make America obey the rules of civilized societies for the first time in its existence. Superpower means unchecked state terrorism. The American government is the master of horror, as we plainly see today in Syria.

The resistance will make no pretentious demands for Unconditional Surrender but will instead work to overthrow the cancerous source of this implacable, sadistic demand given time and again to other peoples who have threatened us not in the least. There will be no demand to surrender because that means prisoners. We don’t want any prisoners.

There’s only one way to beat the house (which we paid for) and that’s to burn it down.

Article published here: J B Campbell: Extremism Online.

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